Core Features of fmt-display-cpp

Explore the powerful features that make fmt-display-cpp a versatile and user-friendly formatting library.

ANSI Styling

fmt-display-cpp provides built-in support for ANSI styling, allowing you to add colors and text formatting to your console output easily.

#include "fmt/display.h"

int main() {
    fmt::println(ansi::red, "Error: ", ansi::reset, "Something went wrong.");
    fmt::println(ansi::green, "Success: ", ansi::bold, "Operation completed.", ansi::reset);
    fmt::println(ansi::blue, "Info: ", ansi::italic, "This is some information.", ansi::reset);
    return 0;

Available ANSI styles include colors (e.g., ansi::red, ansi::green), text styles (e.g., ansi::bold, ansi::italic), and ansi::reset to return to default styling.

Custom Display Trait

Customize how your types are displayed by specializing the fmt::Display trait. This allows for seamless integration of custom types with fmt-display-cpp's formatting system.

#include "fmt/display.h"
#include "fmt/vector.h"

struct Point { 
    int x, y; 
    // Constructor for convenience
    Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {}

struct fmt::Display<Point> {
    static std::string print(const Point& p) {
        return fmt::format_string("(%d, %d)", p.x, p.y);

int main() {
    Point p{10, 20};
    fmt::println("Point: ", p);  // Output: Point: (10, 20)
    std::vector<Point> points = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}};
    fmt::println("Points: ", points);  // Output: Points: [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]
    return 0;

By specializing fmt::Display for your custom types, you can control how they are formatted in all fmt-display-cpp operations, including when they're part of containers.

Safe String Formatting

fmt-display-cpp provides type-safe string formatting with fmt::format_string, helping to catch formatting errors at compile-time.

#include "fmt/display.h"

int main() {
    std::string name = "Alice";
    int age = 30;
    float height = 1.75f;

    // Type-safe formatting
    std::string message = fmt::format_string("%s is %d years old and %.2f meters tall.", 
                                             name.c_str(), age, height);

    // TODO: This would cause a compile-time error:
    // fmt::format_string("%d", "not a number");

    return 0;

The fmt::format_string function ensures that the format string matches the types of the provided arguments, preventing runtime formatting errors.

fmtout Class

The fmt::fmtout class allows for complex formatting operations with a stream-like interface, making it easy to build formatted strings.

#include "fmt/display.h"

int main() {
    fmt::fmtout out;
    out << "The answer is " << ansi::bold << 42 << ansi::reset << "!";
    fmt::println(out);  // Output: The answer is 42! (with 42 in bold)

    out << ansi::red << "Error: " << ansi::reset << "File not found.";
    fmt::println(out);  // Output: Error: File not found. (with "Error:" in red)

    return 0;

fmt::fmtout is particularly useful when you need to build complex formatted strings with multiple components or styling changes.

PrintFormatter Utility

The fmt::PrintFormatter utility allows for customized printing with user-defined separators and end-of-line characters.

#include "fmt/display.h"

int main() {
    fmt::PrintFormatter custom_println(", ", "\n");
    custom_println(1, 2, 3);  // Output: 1, 2, 3\n

    fmt::PrintFormatter custom_print(":", ";");
    custom_print("name", "Alice", "age", 30);  // Output: name:Alice:age:30;

    return 0;

PrintFormatter is highly customizable, allowing you to create specialized formatting for various output needs, such as CSV generation or simple serialization.

Global Print Instances

fmt-display-cpp provides global print instances for convenience:

  • fmt::print: Prints without a newline
  • fmt::println: Prints with a newline

These global instances make it easy to quickly output formatted text without needing to create custom PrintFormatter instances for common use cases.